Nic has lived in Wickham since 1979 and has been involved with St. Nicholas Church and has been
a trustee and vice-chair of Wickham Community Association. He may be best known locally for
conducting the auctions at St. Nicholas Annual Summer Fête.
Nic has an MA from Oxford University. He is now retired from a career in pharmaceuticals. His last post was managing director and Board Chair of the UK subsidiary of a major global pharmaceutical company. He is a founder member of the CLT.
Nic has been a Board Member and its Chair since 2008.
Geoff moved to Wickham in 2002. He is Chair of Wickham History Society, a local bell-ringer and
he also volunteers for Winchester Citizens Advice Bureau.
Geoff is now retired. He has an MA (Oxon) in Law and had a career in the voluntary sector and local government including Portsmouth Housing Association and was previously Board Member of SELHAL Housing in Oldham.
Geoff has been a Board Member since 2008.
David joined the board of trustees in 2022
after an engineering and management career in the broadcasting industry. He is involved in several local clubs and societies.
Sara-Jane joined the board of trustees in 2023
while continuing to work full-time for a housing association in Hampshire. Her professional involvement in the housing
sector provides much useful input to the WCLT trustees on market trends and our ever-changing legal obligations.
Andrew was part of the team that established the Trust
and returned to being a Trustee in 2022. Andrew is in the Royal Navy and is currently Captain of the Base Portsmouth
and Commanding Officer of HMS NELSON. These responsibilities include oversight for all military housing and
accommodation across the region. Andrew is the Vice-Chair of the University of Winchester, director of the
Charity Support Foundation, and the director for governance of Portsmouth Northsea Swimming Club and
chair of its charitable trust.
David is a retired Chartered Surveyor, who specialised in project management.
He worked in the affordable housing sector for 36 years in London and Hampshire,
both directly employed by housing associations and latterly as a consultant.
He has been a Board Member since 2008.
Wendy moved to Wickham in 1985. Her career has been in health management in both statutory and
charitable organisations.
Since retirement, she has become a Trustee on the board of Rowans Hospice, Chairman of Wickham Society and a landlord.
Wendy joined the Board in Sept 2019.
Brenda volunteers with Wickham CLT, providing our bookkeeping and financial support. Brenda is
now retired but formerly worked in financial and administrative settings including school bursar departments
and is qualified as an accounting technician. She moved to Wickham in 2016 and is already very
involved in Wickham village life.
Brenda started volunteering with WCLT in 2019.
Ted has lived in Wickham since 1985. His career is in software engineering and has encompassed
banking, communications, gas and electricity industries, water supply, and safety of life at sea.
He has been involved with several local organisations: Wickham Venture Scouts, Wickham First
Responders, The Wickham Society, Wickham Morris, Swanmore Concert Band, Villagers Shakespeare
Group and Forest Folk. Ted performs in several music groups.
Ted was a member of the original Wickham Kairos team in 2004 and has been a WCLT Board Member since 2008.